Dr. Terry Dabro Brandy Glanville did 4 biopsy to cure the face
Brandy Glanville Says that he is on his way to recovery in his health distress – Dr. Thanks for this Terry DabroThe
“Yes guys, @Dardubro took 4 Teni Biopsy from my mouth so we could get better,” Ghanvilly, 52, Wednesday, January 29 shared through X I was not out in 30 minutes we wait. “
In December, Glanville Received on the Public Offer of the Dubro For the treatment of abnormal mouth swelling that he feared that “parasite” could be caused. Dubro, at that time, said he didn't believe it would happen.
“I saw an interview with him and I saw his picture where he was swollen, where he was truly separated with irregular skin,” The the the the the the the the the the end the the the the the the the the the to the the the The the the to the the the to the the to the the the to the the to the the the to the the to the the the to the the the to the the to the the the the to the the the to the the the to the The the the to the the the to the the to the the the to the the to the the the to the the to the the the to the the the to the the to the the the the to the the the to the the the to the The the the to the the the to the the the to the the the to the the the to the the the to the Booted Doctor Told TMZ By the end of last year. “Here is the thing here, the brand is really needed to focus … and this is not his fault, it's his doctor's fault. Brandy needs a diagnosis.”
The Beverly Hill Real Housewives Alamam took the X to the reaction, saying Appreciated all the assistance of the one he could get. He informed his followers: “(Dubro and I) I came into contact and plan to speak thank you for all love. All the fillers in my face have been dissolved. I (Ceders-Sinai) “and” I saw all the best doctors of the doctors they mentioned to me. “
Ghanville was very open about his distortion, before he revealed that he was. Spend $ 70,000 Looking for a reason.
Yes guys @Dudubro Took 4 small biopsy from my face and neck so we can continue to get better 💕 is pizade no pain and i am not out in 30 minutes now we wait 🙏🙏🙏🙏
– Brandy Glanville (@Brandiglanville) January 30, 2025
“Really, I have a lot of doctors and I have a lot of tests … I worked for $ 10,000 in lab,” he said in a recent interview Entertainment tonightThe “I have done every test under the sun … … they like it, 'it can be parasites.' '
Glanville told the outlet that some treatment professionals suggested that the problem could be due to the old face fillers dissolved. Ghanvil, however, said he had not filled out for a while and his old fillers had already dissolved.
He had his condition that he had shared his “Brandy Glanville Unfiltard” in a December episode of Podcast Affected his personal relationshipSince he restricted his social interactions to only a few close friends and had no sex life to speak.
“I was hiding and separated and was in the misery, I didn't want to share what's going on with someone and didn't want to see anyone, surely 100 percent” he said “I should do. I should have a place to go, people I have never made (or) the sex from the last.
Since his struggle has been published, Ghanville has returned to the spotlight, appears in one of the recent public presence Los Angeles And in a pulside patio – Play a pink bikiniThe