Judge Vendy allowed Williams to fly in Miami to celebrate his father's 94th birthday in the fight of guardianship
Wendy Williams is going to Magic City for a special event.
Former Talk Show Host, 60, is currently under the guardianship of a court-country, limited to a convenience of being in New York, which he describes as “prisons”.
However, the brave small screen star will be able to flu in Miami 48 hours to join his father Thomas's 94th birthday.
On Friday, sources told TMZ that a judge had allowed personal protection with Williams from Big Apple to celebrate his father and family.
Meanwhile, Judge Williams is forbidden to contact the media according to the outlet.
This decision called Williams and his nephew Alex Phinee “The Break Club” and stopped claiming that he was cognitively disabled.
Williams also claimed that he had only $ 15 in his possession and his favorite cats were taken from him.
During the interview, Williams became emotional to talk about his father's upcoming 94th birthday, he admitted that he was not convinced whether he would be allowed to fly to Miami to celebrate him.
Radio students have made it clear that he wants freedom from controversial guardianship.
Williams – who was caught in Affasia and Frontotamporal Dementia in May 2021 – compared his current life to a “prison”.
A few days ago, Williams' loved ones launched a Gofundme to raise $ 50,000 to help him get rid of his guardianship.
“For many days, despite the determination of the Determination of Wendy's desire and independently living independently, the challenges of unjustly under guardianship and disabled are confronted,” the details are written. “
“His current situation is not only wrong, but also deeply isolated. The guardian of the guardian and the family broke his connections with his family, leaving him without supporting the network so that he needed. This isolation in New York has made it difficult for him to maintain its strength and elasticity. “
Williams was reportedly dismissed by his court-appointed Attorney Linda Redlisky on Wednesday.
Sources told TMZ that when the author asked him to do this, Redlisky was released after failing to file a papers for a trial on whether Williams' guardianship was needed.