‘Presumed Innocent’ Episode 7 Takeaway: Rusty Sabich’s past misdeeds all point to a conclusion

Contains spoilers for ‘Presumed Innocent’

Chicago, Illinois: The seventh episode of Apple TV+’s legal drama series ‘Presumed Innocent’ focuses on the courtroom trial of Rusty Sabich (Jake Gyllenhaal) after he is accused of the gruesome murder of Caroline Polhemus (Renate Rainey).

David E. Kelly’s eight-episode series follows Rusty, a prosecutor who is a suspect in the death of his secret lover and colleague Caroline.

In the latest episode, Rusty is shown defending his own case in court while his legal defense, Raymond Horgan (Bill Camp), is experiencing a health crisis.

Still, his decision is met with skepticism by Maya Winslow (Gabby Binns), which turns out to be correct as Rusty faces more challenges.

What Happens to Rusty Sabich in ‘Presumed Innocent’?

Jake Gyllenhaal as Rusty Sabich in a still from ‘Presumed Innocent’ (@appletv+)

In the most recent episode, Rusty unwittingly agrees to be subpoenaed as a witness to prove his innocence. Judge Little (Noma Dumezweni) offers him a choice between a mistrial and taking the stand, and he chooses to testify.

In court, Tommy Molto (Peter Sarsgaard) argues that Rusty’s outburst of rage is spontaneous, consistent with the circumstances of Caroline’s murder.

Tommy presents Rusty’s texts to Caroline to demonstrate his frequent violent outbursts and highlights Rusty’s attacks on Brian Ratzer (Marco Rodriguez) and his conflict with Herbert Kumagai (James Hiroyuki Liao).

With all this evidence stacked against him, Rusty finds himself trapped, with no choice but to maintain his claim of innocence.

What will happen to Rusty Sabich in ‘Presumed Innocent’?

Jake Gyllenhaal in a still from ‘Presumed Innocent’ (@appletv+).

It is an established fact that Tommy despises Rusty on a level that goes beyond professional jealousy. This is evident in the latest episode, where Tommy skillfully corners Rusty and portrays him as a violent lunatic.

Rusty tries to minimize or excuse his outbursts under pressure, but the damning evidence against him makes his situation dire and proves that his decision to testify has backfired.

However, there is still room for a surprising twist or change of approach that could benefit his case. Rust may turn the tables in the next episode and reveal Caroline’s true killer.

There is a possibility that a new piece of evidence or a surprising witness may come forward, changing the course of the case and potentially helping Rusty. The person blackmailing Tommy may appear and reveal information proving Rusty’s innocence.

With only one episode left, viewers are anxious to discover the killer’s true identity.

Trailer of ‘Presumed Innocent’

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