Selina Gomez faces reactions to cry for ice arrest in now-me-melted video: 'Welcome to you to leave'

Selina Gomez posted – and then deleted – a video of herself through Instagram on Monday is crying.

“Emilia Perez” actress, 32, was apparently weeping on the camera about Donald Trump's program on the masses of criminals in the United States.

“All my people are attacking, the kids,” Gomez says, whose family is from Mexico. “I don't understand. I'm so sorry I hope I could do anything but I can't. “

“I don't know what to do. I will try everything, I promise, “he said more.

Gomez wrote “I am sorry” with the Mexican flag emoji in his video, which has been deleted since then.

He shared a follow-up post in his IG stories where he wrote, “Obviously it is not right to show sympathy for people.” Gomez also deleted that post.

Gomez's representative reached to comment on the post.

Gomez deleted two of his posts after the Swift Backlash faces on X (previously Twitter).

Conservative TV commentator Tommy Laharan writes, “Crying for the certified Moron @Selagomez criminals is really something else to cry for illegal aliens. That is why we do not take our political advice from Disney Child Stars. “

Political commentator Savanah Hernandez said, “Selina Gomez depicted herself in a mockery of the current mass resettlement. Because of course, the touch celebrity with zero understanding that our country has become dangerous is crying for the exile of criminals. How much do you do “

Another user tweeted, “Crying Selina Gomez on Instagram is not helping to exile a single family. If she really cares about 'her people', where was he before? He has a connection to the family to support money, platform and legal assistance fund, advice on policy reforms, or even legalization. Instead, he waited until he was too late, asking for tears and unclear forgiveness. “

Someone else wrote, “Selina Gomez is crying because of the masses. “Don't know what to do,” he said. Did he ever shout about Americans*bound by illegal people? Of course not. “

A separate X message is written, “Selina Gomez shares a video by crying about the deportation. Welcome to leave. It goes on for everyone who is trying to stop the mass. No one will miss you!”

However, Gomez also received some support for his posts on social media.

“How can a Mexican Heritage be mad at someone who is treated with Latinos? This is literally his family! “Selina Gomez update account has been tweeted.

“The curse is sad. Happy Selina is focusing on how horrible it is, ”another user wrote.

Someone else said, “I realized that he was very sympathetic because of his Mexican descent and felt responsible for them. I am not blaming him because many of them came to feed their families.”

Trump has since become president last Monday, 783 years old to boot the criminal immigrants across the United States when he promised to campaign.

The ICE illegally arrested six criminals in the US on Friday and requested a “detained” with local authorities, asking them to return target immigrants to their deportation.

Gomez's aunt and his grandfather's grandfather -Dadi 1 moved from Mexico to the United States in the 1970s. His parents, Ricardo Gomez and Mandy Tedi were both born in America.

The singer opened the story of his family immigration story in an Op-Aid for Time Magazine in October 2019.

He wrote, “Unregistered immigration is something that I think about daily and I never forget that I thank my family and situation in this country how blessed I am,” he wrote. “But when I read news titles or debates about immigration razes on social media, I am afraid for those who are in the same situation. I'm afraid for my country. “

“The only murder of the building” acknowledges that immigration laws in America are “defective” and “we need the rules,” but he said “our country created from other countries” and it is “it is” it “whose life immigration policy Being affected while listening to them. “

He added, “It's time to know people whose complex stories have been reduced to the basic title,” he added.

Gomez 2019's Netflix Documentary “Living Unauthorized”, which follows eight illegal immigrant families living in the United States.

He said in his op-ed that he “shouted” to “deeply traveling” of the documentary the subject, noted that it was “shy, uncertainty and fear I was afraid to see my own family.”

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