Taylor Swift in the 'new height' of the most sweet shouting of Travis Kels

Travis kellas Girlfriend did not move away from giving Taylor Swift His flowers in his podcast.

This couple's romance first started Travis “New Height” Podcast Pop star, which he cooperates with the brother Jason KelsThe In July 2023, Travis reminded how he saw Swift perform at the Stadium Stadium Stadium Stadium Era And how he wanted to give him a friendly bracelet with his phone number.

He could not connect Swift on the show when Travis shared his disappointment, the pair met soon. In September 2023, Swift publicly confirmed his relationship with his relationship with his relationship with his first Kansas City Chiefs.

“We actually had a significant amount of time that nobody knew for whom I am grateful because we have come to know each other,” Swift explained his relationship with Kels in November 2023 TimeThe “We were a couple when I first went to the game. I think some people think they saw our first date in that game? We cannot be psychologically like launching the first date. “

Since travis and Swift started their cyclone romance, football player surrounded his girlfriend while chatting with Jason.

Continue scrolling to see what Swift says about Travis “New Height”:

It all started with a friendship bracelet

After taking part Era In July 2023, Travis chatted with Jason about his experience at the concert.

“Okay, I'm disappointed that he doesn't talk before or after his show because he has to save his voice for the 44 songs he sang,” Travis confessed. “So I was a little boothrt I couldn't hand over one of the bracelets made for him.”

Jason was unconscious of Swifi Tradition for exchanging bracelets with other fans, and Travis explained how he got a bunch while on the show.

“I got a bunch of them to be there, but I would like to give a one with my number to Taylor Swift,” he said. When Jason asked what a number he was talking about, Travis replied, “You know what (number).”

Swift later called the gesture “metal as hell”.

Shout out of the chiffs games

In September 2023, Swift took part in his first Chiefs Game, Travis gave him his deserved props. “Shout to pull Taylor,” he said. “It was quite a balcony.”

Travis also teased him how much he enjoyed and how he joined his friends and family.

“I just thought it was great that everyone in the suit had nothing but a great thing to say about him. Friends and family. He looked amazing … and on top of that, the day was suitable for Chiefs fans. Women and gentlemen do all these scripts, “He wandered.” It was absolutely electronic. “

Would like to keep things less

As soon as Swift began to appear in more games of Travis, the event turned into a preliminary focus of this event. Travis admits that he felt guilty for the constant attention he was receiving during the broadcast.

“I know I brought all this attention to me. I was that … the whole friendship bracelet did and told everyone how much I was bootter that I could not meet with Taylor. The real thing is my personal life and I want to respect both of our lives, “He explained during an episode of September 2023.” He is not in the media like me, doing this show every week and doing fun on other boys at the NFL season. “

Thankful for his support

Jason brought Swift to Swift in November 2021, after “choosing” to convert Grammy to the winner travis to reach 5 yards.

“Thank you,”, “Travis said sweet. “I appreciate you on the Chiefs page that supports Yeti.”

'Tours of the era' round 2

Bye Week, Travis traveled to Argentina to perform Swift in November 2023. He returned and shared Jason that he enjoyed watching his brother's clips on social media shows.

Travis reminded, “For those of you who did not watch all my videos in your tikatok and Instagram feed, I was enjoying myself in Buenos Aires,” Travis recalled. “The show was even more electronic to know that I had a little more to enjoy for it.”

Travis praised Swift's performance, noted that he “killed it”.

Brads, Dad and Chad are calling

After participating in the Swift Chiffs and New England Patriots in December 2021, the traveis recalled the moment of praise for the opposition.

“I would say that they showed Taylor in the game and you couldn't see that the fanbase of the entire home team was insane for anyone wearing the opposite team. She is referring to that only the girl shows you how amazing it is. “When they showed Taylor on screen, they became completely insane. … It may probably be a few brads and chads that were encouraging, but in most cases everyone was shouting Taylor. I was trying to keep it cool, I was like that, 'Don't show your cards' “

An international love story

Travis traveled to Sydney in February 2024 to join in Swift Era Performance before meeting him in Singapore next month. He was worried about the “fun times” that he explored to Singapore with Swift during an episode of March 2024 of him and Jason.

“I could check the world's largest greenhouse, how is it?” Travis said herself referred to as “a big plant guy”. He said that the temperature was “hot as F -K”, but the experience was “cool as F -K”.

Travis said that he “liked” both Sydney and Singapore, compared siblings in every show in Swift. “I want to see Australia more, I think I have seen a bit more in Singapore, so I would say that Singapore was a bit attractive, of course. More unique, a kind of cool experience, ”he explained. “But I was in Australia just for a few hours.”

Not sure 'how F -K' he pulled Taylor

Travis reflecting at the beginning of his relationship, Travis acknowledged “I don't know how I did it.” “So I don't know how I did it.”

The NFL player was somewhat surprised at the ability to land rapidly due to their initial difference. However, he explained that he was “having fun” and enjoyed teaching him about his world.

“I'm a burst of life, baby. Travis added, just flying high, enjoying them all. “Bringing a new life in the world of football, making the football world open up to new things.”

Lucky No. 13

While broadcasting while traveling in London, Jason and Travis put roots in a bar similar to Philadelphia. During the recording, the brothers enjoyed a beer that was brought by a bar manager with a 13 number, which was famously Swift's favorite number – and travis noticed.

“Jesse, are you wearing 13 as your lucky number?” He asked, and he replied that he was. Travis mentioned that he “knows someone” with the same lucky number.

Jason added that 5 were also his favorite number and wore it when he played hockey when he was a kid.

“13 plus 87, I'm simply guys', it works,” Travis teased it before raising toast with his brother.

'ERAS Tour' (version of London)

Travis and Jason Wembley removed their time to see Swift perform. Travis was tapped in the podcast episode before his debut on his stage.

The brothers shared their favorite moments from the show, in which Jason incorporated full Swifity with the bracelets of his friendship, and how they both enjoyed 22 hat moments and acostic sets.

“It was nice to see him get excited for the moment and everyone on the show is waiting for the show to come forward,” Travis said, “Travis said.” “On top of that, such as, puts everyone in a room with Taylor” “

Travis added that the shows were extra special because he saw his girlfriend while he was surrounded by his friend and family.

“There are a few bears when they come to London and kill him on stage,” that's great. “

Cosigning praise

When the Cels Brothers took interviews Adam Sandler August 2024 of their Podcast gave the actor Swift a loving shout. “Anyway, what a girl,” Sandler told Gush, Travis replied, “Here is the best actor.”

Sandler went on to make a joke that he was nervous around Swift because his daughters were such a great fan. According to Travis, respect is mutual. “He is so grateful that you took the girls on top ( Age Movie Premier), Man, “He told Sandler.

VMA, ESPN and many more

“New Heights” dropped an episode in the morning of the MTV Video Music Award in September 2024, and Kohostra confirmed to send Swift their support. “Hopefully, Taylor can go away with a few. He was nominated for about 10 tonight, “Travis said.” Hope he can go away with some Munman. These are always one of the cool trophies “

Travis said he had hoped that Swift could “be at the top of the” topic “of Historic Tihasik VMA but still mentioned that he was” wishing everyone the best “at the award ceremony. Jason, of course, declared, “If you are not against Tie, I hope you (loses).”

In the same episode, Travis Swift re -removed its cyclone Weekend with Swift, which included the presence of the US Open. This couple also witnessed Jason's Wardrobe Error in the first episode of ESPN Monday Night CountdownThe He told Jason, “I and Taylor were watching it, I was dying with a smile.”

Family 'Tours of the Era'

In October 2021, several other members of the Jason and Kels family – with his daughter Watt and Eli attended a Swift concert in Miami during the final leg. Age Tours. Travis, however, was unable to join because of his NFL Shidiul.

“I had all the Famos in the world with the whole family and our many friends there,” he said in an episode of “New Heights” that month.

Jason surrounds Swift's “incredible” performance in the rain. “Dude, it was like another level,” he revealed that he text the traveis in the middle of the concert so that he was “killing” on the Swift stage to tell him.

Happy couple

When Nesi Nash-Bits Appeared in his “new height” in October 2024, his Grotesquiri Coaster always thanked him for talking high on his relationship with Swift.

“I appreciate you,” he said after the Nash-Bitts that he asked what he knows about travis' love life he got “Nosi” friends. “Every time you have a mike in front of you and asks you something like this, thank you for showing love always. You know it's real. And you know that I and T are absolutely happy, and I appreciate you to make sure that I always know you. “

A loyal audience

Travis revealed during the January 2025 episode that the pop star was a loyal fan of his podcast. “He listens every week,” he said “interns” Brandon border And Jack ChatzkiWho met Swift in the Chiefs vs Bills AFC Championships that month.

When the borders revealed that he and Chatzki were “floor” that when they entered the VIP suit at the stadium on the arrow, Swift also knew their names, travis called him “Pro” while breaking the ice.

“New Heights” crews were “extremely commendable” about Swift's kindness about podcast and “creative praise”. Travis happily accepted the praise for Swift. “I appreciate you talking about the boys about T.,” he said.

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