Which of the largest music stars never won the Grammy amazingly?
Winning the Grammy Award is the peak of many musicians. Such as artists Biones And J-Z The records have been broken with their Grammy win over the years, others have not yet been awarded.
A dozen times have been nominated by several celebrity recording academy but have never moved away with the trophy. Snoop dogFor example, once said that he was boycotting the Grammy because he was nominated 16 times but never won.
“I don't need to smoke. I would rather make some real smoke with my loved ones and counted the 17xs invited to me with the same results, “He gave a cartoon caption on Instagram on February 27 2016 that read” Less Grammy … More Village “. He added:” My family has shot to win the hosting and just show the reason that my green house is not open all night (SIC). “
The other singers, however, feel absolutely nominated. Katie PerryWho has earned 5 Grammy nodes but has no win, he told the Capital FM in the 21st that it was “recognizing it” by the recording academy.
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